


Feb 28, 2018

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in FinTech Software Development

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in FinTech Software Development

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in FinTech Software Development

Financial Technology, or FinTech, is a relatively new aspect of

the financial industry, which focuses on applying technology to

improve financial activities. This has the potential to open the

doors to new kinds of applications and services for customers, as

well as more competitive financial technology.

However, like all new technologies, there are mistakes lurking.

In contrast to software domains like end-user web apps or mobile

application development, a software bug in FinTech may not just

lead to annoyed users. In the wrong piece of software, bugs can

result in hundreds of millions of dollars lost.

The list below are some of the most common mistakes we see in

software projects in general—and FinTech software development in

particular—that you should watch out for when launching into the

FinTech sector.

Insufficient Testing

This applies to many software projects: you need thorough testing. It's not sufficient to simply test your

software manually, spot-check the results, and ship it. You need

automated tests which include success cases, failure cases, and

many more. Instead of reiterating the points here, I'll point to

our blog

post on multifaceted testing.

While this applies to software development in general, it's

worth reiterating in the context of FinTech. A mistake here can in

the worst case lead to a devastatingly bad financial transaction

and massive financial loss. Ensuring bugs don't slip in with

modifications to the code is absolutely vital.

Of course, in FinTech, sometimes it's not the code that changes,

but the data. Which brings us to…

Unsanitized Data

One common theme in FinTech projects is the wide array of data

pulled in, and its variable quality and formats. You may be

interacting with anything to live feeds from a stock exchange,

legacy file formats pulled from a mainframe, Microsoft Access

databases, or the Twitter firehose.

We recommend cleaning up, or sanitizing, all data you pull into

your application. Use strict parsing rules that don't, for example,

replace malformed data with default values. You want a monitoring

solution that will notify you if one of your data feeds suddenly

begins generating data in a format you can't understand.

At FP Complete, we're big fans of the Haskell

programming language, which makes it easy to model your FinTech

data with the type system and write powerful parsers for consuming

various feeds.

Wrong Performance Goals

Are you writing a real-time trading engine? How about a monthly

batch processing job? Are you processing terabytes of data per

minute, or a few hundred kilobytes every hour? Obviously, these are

all very different goals!

Some software engineers will tend towards optimizing their code,

even at the cost of readability and maintainability. Others make

the opposite trade-off. In order to properly determine where to set

your gauge on this spectrum, you need to understand the needs of

your software.

Don't fall into the traps of either premature optimization or

architecturally slow software.

And related to this are two more common mistakes:

Being too bare metal

Real-time software often cannot be written in garbage collected

languages. You may need to perform manual memory management

instead. In some cases, you can get better performance by

hand-rolling your own assembly instead of trusting the compiler.

Sometimes the operating system will be a bottleneck, and you'll

want to reimplement parts of the network stack in your own


Each of these decisions can give you better performance. But

they also introduce significant risk to your codebase in the form

of security bugs and maintenance nightmares.

Going bare metal can be great, but only do it if you have to.

Being too high level

There are some wonderful, high-level frameworks out there for

writing financial software. These can abstract away the boring

details so you can focus on the big picture.

Each time you abstract away a problem, however, you may be

sacrificing performance. Sometimes significant performance. I do

not exaggerate when I say I've seen high-level approaches (such as

Excel + Access) providing results in an hour, when a well written

C++ or Haskell program could generate the same results in 10


Going high level is great, but don't sacrifice too much performance.

Poorly Maintainable Software

The nature of FinTech software is that requirements will almost

certainly change over time. You'll want to perform a new analysis.

There will be a new financial instrument available to model.

Whatever the case is, you'll likely need to modify your code going


To deal with these changing requirements, we recommend designing

your software from the beginning with extensibility in mind, and

relying on a combination of strong type systems and thorough

testing to make major refactorings an annoyance instead of a

herculean task.

Mismatched Development and Production

Imagine you're developing on your Windows 10 system with a

32-bit compiler. You've tested your algorithm thoroughly,

everything works perfectly, and you ship your code off to your

operations team to move into production. And boom, the

software crashes (or, worse, loses your company a bunch of money).

Turns out, the Linux 64-bit system you deployed to didn't like your

code very much.

We recommend on all projects, including FinTech, to standardize

your development, Continuous Integration (CI), Quality Assurance

(QA), and production environments, as much as possible. Make CI the

official arbiter of truth: it doesn't matter if the tests pass on

your machine if they fail on CI.

Leverage technologies like virtualization and containerization

to isolate differences in hardware and system libraries.

It's much better to discover these problems as early as

possible. And ideally long before it hits production.

Insecure Practices

All software needs to take security into account. But insecure

practices in FinTech can be especially damaging. A recent


Insecure Mobile App - Small.jpg

of cryptocurrency hacks demonstrate how easily large

sums of money can be lost to a security bug.

There are documented best practices for most types of software.

For example, if your FinTech project has a web frontend, make sure

you're addressing OWASP's common vulnerabilities, like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL

injection attacks.

Wherever possible, use languages (like Haskell and Rust) and

tools (like linters and memory exploit checkers) to eliminate

classes of bugs and automate the security auditing of your

codebase. It's not a replacement for intelligent programming, but

it doesn't hurt!

Runtime Monitoring

You need to know as soon as something goes wrong. We mentioned

the possibility of signaling data feed parse failures above. It's

not sufficient to have your software notice this; you need to

actively monitor your systems and set up alerting to be notified

when something goes wrong.

You hope your system never loses you a million dollars a minute.

But if it does, you better hope you get alerted


Gold Standard Results

For data analysis projects, you can identify some set of

“correct” results for a given set of input. We recommend writing a

set of “gold standard” tests, which regularly test the output of

your software for that given set of input. If you get a

discrepancy, either:

  • You've improved your algorithm and have better results. You

    should manually verify that these are better, and then update the

    gold standard results.

  • You've made a mistake, regressed the results, and need to fix it.

In the latter case, you just avoided a major nightmare of

tracing back where something went wrong months later. In the former

case: maybe you'll have some more ammunition for asking for a



There are obviously many other mistakes that can be made in

FinTech software, but these are the top 10 that we think you should

keep in mind. As we mentioned above, we strongly recommend choosing

great tools and languages to make your FinTech projects successful.

Great devops, solid CI, and a wonderful language like Haskell all

play into making your project a success.

We've helped many companies adopt these approaches to improve

their software projects. Find out how our consulting services can help make your FinTech

software a success.
