


Mar 3, 2017

Continuous Integration: an overview

Continuous Integration: an overview

Continuous Integration: an overview

While exact definitions of Continuous Integration vary, the idea

is that your software project is automatically built and tested

very regularly, often many times per day. In practice, this usually

means every time a developer pushes their code to a central

repository, the CI process is performed. Ideally, this is performed

on every branch, even those that are works in progress.

Advantages of continuous integration include:

  • Regressions are caught quickly, so less time is spent tracking them down since you know which change introduced the bug.

  • There is always a working "latest version", rather than finding out near release time that it turns out there are problems.

  • Prevents non-working code from reaching the "mainline."

  • Notifies developers immediately when code doesn't work.

  • Automates deployment of your application so you always have a

    running test server with the latest code, or even deploy straight

    to production.

  • Encourages developers to frequently share their work in progress.

  • Encourages developers to write automated tests.

Required tools

Source code management

We manage our code in Git

repositories, although other source code management systems will

work as well.

Centralized source code repository

Developers must regularly "push" their code from their

workstations to a centralized repository. These can be managed

solutions, or privately hosted within a company's network,

depending on specific project needs. We most commonly use Github, Gitlab, and Atlassian Bitbucket.

CI server

The CI server "watches" for changes to the centralized

repository and automatically executes scripts for each change, and

provides notifications and reports based on whether those scripts

succeed or fail. We regularly use:

  • Travis CI: tightly

    integrated with Github, although it is a separate product operated

    by a different company

  • Gitlab CI: built

    directly into Gitlab for a totally seamless experience when using

    that tool for code repositories and issue management

  • Jenkins CI: one of the older

    CI servers, with a vast array of plugins that allow it to work with

    in conceivable environment, although tight integration can be

    tricky to configure

  • Atlassian Bamboo: part of the Atlassian suite, and tightly integrated with their other tools like Bitbucket and JIRA but also usable independently

Features of CI server

While every CI server is different, they offer a similar array of features (some integrated directly, others via plugins).

Continuous deployment

The CI process can automatically deploy your project for

testing. This is always a good idea for a test environment, and

also used for automatically deploying to production from a

protected branch.

Gitlab CI also supports "review apps", which will deploy a copy

of the app for every branch, which is especially helpful for code

reviews since the reviewer can work with a "live" version of the

application built from the code that is under review, without first

needing to build their own copy.

Containerized builds

Builds can each be run in their own throw-away Docker

containers. This means the build environments (e.g. operating

system, compilers, system libraries) are defined by Docker images,

and multiple projects with different requirements can be built on

the same machine and in parallel without interfering with each


Parallel and distributed builds

CI jobs are performed by "agents" (also known as "slaves" or

"runners"), and multiple agents can be connected to a single CI

server or project. This allows setting up a cluster of machines to

perform run builds.


Different projects or build stages within projects can be

configured to require certain attributes in the agent where it

runs. For example, a multi-platform project might have agents on

Windows, Linux, and macOS, and run the build and tests on all



Notification integrates with your existing communications tools,

such as e-mail and corporate chat services like Slack. Developers

are notified of build failures, successful deployments, and many

other events.


Various reports are generated that provide a snapshot of your

projects' health, so you can see at a glance whether there are

increased rates of regressions, and you can see exactly which

version of code is running where.

Secret variables

The CI server manages secret values such as deployment

credentials, so that the builds have access to them but they aren't

revealed otherwise. Access to the credentials can be restricted so

that only some build stages can access them, which lets you prevent

"untrusted" stages from having access to the credentials.


CI systems let you specify build "artifacts" which are saved by

a build stage and can then be accessed by later stages or outside

processes. For example, you might have a "build" stage that builds

an executable and saves it as an artifact, followed by "deploy"

stage that retrieves the artifact and deploys the executable to a

web server. These artifacts are saved so that you can go back to an

old build and retrieve its the file(s).


One disadvantage of building in an ephemeral container is that

build artifacts (e.g. intermediate files like object code) are lost

between builds, which would result in unnecessarily long build

times as the same code is built over and over. CI systems support

specifying certain paths and files to cache between builds, so that

those files will be restored in their original locations in the

next build.

There is some overlap between caching and artifacts, but caching

is meant for intermediate files to speed up subsequent builds,

while artifacts are meant to save the final results of a build



Continuous integration is a tool that can be wielded in many

ways. These are some of the principles we follow to make the best

use of it.

Avoid complexity in the CI configuration

It can be tempting to use every feature and plugin of a CI

system to manage builds, but this is usually counterproductive. In

general, let the CI system handle the "where and when" of building,

but use your own scripts within the repository for the "how". This

lets developers use the same scripts locally and makes it easier to

switch to a different CI system in the future should that be

desirable. It also means as much of the build process as possible

is versioned along with the code which makes it easier to build

older versions.

Write automated tests

While a CI system is still useful without automated tests, it

really shines when an excellent suite of unit and integration tests

is in place. You get quick feedback as soon as tests fail, and this

kind of feedback encourages developers to write more tests. This

also avoids code that fails tests from reaching the mainline.

Make builds and tests fast

If it takes too long to get feedback, it discourages regular use

of the CI system. Features like caching, artifacts, and distributed

builds mean you can avoid repeating unnecessary work and speed up

builds. For larger and more complex projects this can be difficult,

and sometimes it makes sense to split out more thorough integration

tests into a separate nightly process so that the main tests return


Commit, merge, and push code regularly

Developers are encouraged to create feature branches for work in

progress and push to them regularly. This gives feedback from the

CI system regularly, and also makes collaboration easier.

Merging from the "mainline" branch to feature branches should be

frequent to avoid complex conflict resolutions. CI systems can also

be configured to run a feature branches build as though "mainline"

was merged so that developers know as soon as potential conflicts

and test failures arise, without having to perform the merge

themselves first.


Employing continuous integration makes your development team

more productive and your release process less stressful. FP

Complete is in the business of modernizing development and devops
