Apr 15, 2015
Last month, we announced the open sourcing of
ide-backend, the engine underlying both School of Haskell and
FP Haskell Center. In this blog post, I'm going to lay out FP
Complete's plans for the future of both of those services, and our
overall commercial Haskell tooling.
tl;dr Open sourcing School of Haskell, releasing brand
new open source Stackage-based tooling, and merging the features of
FP Haskell Center into the other two offerings.
School of Haskell
School of Haskell has served as a foundational service for
interactive Haskell training, written in a collaborative way. In
our efforts to help increase adoption of Haskell, we've decided
that the best next step for the evolution of School of Haskell is
to fully open source it. Concretely, our plans are:
Open up a new code base for School of Haskell, under the auspices of the Commercial Haskell Special Interest Group
Host the site on its own dedicated domain name, https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/
Set up redirects as necessary
Make the content of School of Haskell much more open
Make the terms of use more open, likely moving towards a Creative Commons license
Make it easier to interact with the raw content of the school,
possibly by storing the content in a Git repository that is
publicly cloneable
Encourage collaborators on the code base to get new features in
place (and see the FP Haskell Center discussion below for more
information on this from us)
To be clear: FP Complete fully intends to continue maintaining
both the code base and the live servers. This move is intended to
allow others to contribute their own, wonderful new ideas to the
Stackage-based Tooling
FP Complete started the Stackage project
about three years ago to address issues around library
compatibility and collaborative development on teams, and it has
been a resounding success. It's already the basis for School of
Haskell and FP Haskell Center, and with Stackage Server is fully available
to all users as an easy way to get sane package sets. We started
LTS Haskell at the beginning of this year, which has only increased that success further.
Today's Stackage project answers a lot of the demand for better
tooling, especially in the commercial realm. However, it doesn't
answer everything. Companies we work with need solutions for
everything from CI integration, to editor plugins, to deployment
solutions. FP Haskell Center answers some of these demands, but not
all of them. Over the past year, we've been working with our
customers to develop a commercial grade set of tools that solve
these problems more holistically, and we are happy with the
Our new tooling is integrated tightly with Stackage, provides
improvements to some flaws in currently available tooling, and adds
in functionality not yet present at all in the open source world.
For example:
Distribution of binary package databases to your whole team, avoiding recompile time and ensuring consistent environments
Reliable rebuilding of all local packages with a single command
Built in documentation serving for your entire package set
Powerful code exploration features
We feel comfortable with the quality of the tooling to now take
it to the next step. So over the next few weeks, we will begin the
process of open sourcing all of this tooling to the Haskell
community. As we release components, we will be describing their
functionality, explaining expected use cases, and documenting
current shortcomings. But the short answer is: if you're working on
developing Haskell applications, this tooling is likely to make
your life significantly better.
FP Haskell Center
This leaves the question: what of FP Haskell Center? We
initially received a lot of requests from companies looking for a
web based IDE. However, over the past two years, we have seen that-
in reality- people were looking to solve two different use
For learners: an easy way to get started with learning Haskell
For application writers: a reliable set of tools for developing, building, and shipping software
After careful consideration, we believe that the two offerings
mentioned above- School of Haskell and Stackage-based tooling- are
the best way forward, and that continuing to push FP Haskell Center
as a development platform is not a good path forward. Instead, our
goals are to take the best that FP Haskell Center has to offer,
such as interactive type information, and make them available in
both School of Haskell and our commercial tooling.
At the end of the day, we'll be offering two very complementary
products: a hosted learning site for quickly getting up to speed
with Haskell, and commercial grade tooling for writing
The first concrete step on this path is going to be our
Stackage-based tooling work. We're hoping to get a first public
version out the door in short order. The following step is open
sourcing School of Haskell. Once that is fully done, we'll start
the discussions around FP Haskell Center. It is still a service
that many people use, and we have no intention of pulling the rug
out from under people. Our timeline their will likely be to:
leave FP Haskell Center running for quite a while
when School of Haskell and Stackage-based tooling become solid enough offerings to replace it, officially deprecate it
some time after that, stop offering FP Haskell Center as a separate service
We very much welcome community input on these plans. Let's kick off a discussion on Reddit.