Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Functional Programming

May 20, 2015

Call C functions from Haskell without bindings

Call C functions from Haskell without bindings

Call C functions from Haskell without bindings

Because Haskell is a language of choice for many problem

domains, and for scales ranging from one-off scripts to full scale

web services, we are fortunate to by now have over 8,000 open

source packages (and a few commercial ones besides) available to

build from. But in practice, Haskell programming in the real world

involves interacting with myriad legacy systems and libraries.

Partially because the industry is far older than the comparatively

recent strength of our community. But further still, because

quality new high-performance libraries are created every day in

languages other than Haskell, be it intensive numerical codes or

frameworks for shuffling bits across machines. Today we are

releasing inline-c, a package for writing mixed

C/Haskell source code that seamlessly invokes native and foreign

functions in the same module. No FFI required.

The joys of programming with foreign code

Imagine that you just found a C library that you wish to use for your project. The standard workflow is to,

  1. check Hackage if a package with a set of bindings for that library exists,

  2. if one does, program against that, or

  3. if it doesn't, write your own bindings package, using Haskell's FFI.

Writing and maintaining bindings for large C libraries is

hard work. The libraries are constantly updated upstream, so that

the bindings you find are invariably out-of-date, providing only

partial coverage of library's API, sometimes don't compile cleanly

against the latest upstream version of the C library or need

convoluted and error-prone conditional compilation directives to

support multiple versions of the API in the package. Which is a

shame, because typically you only need to perform a very specific

task using some C library, using only a minute proportion of its

API. It can be frustrating for a bindings package to fail to

install, only because the binding for some function that you'll

never use doesn't match up with the header files of the library

version you happen to have installed on your system.

This is especially true for large libraries that expose sets of

related but orthogonal and indepedently useful functions, such as

GTK+, OpenCV or numerical libraries such as the GNU Scientific

Library (GSL), NAG and IMSL. inline-c lets you call

functions from these libraries using the full power of C's syntax,

directly from client code, without the need for monolithic bindings

packages. High-level bindings (or "wrappers") may still be useful

to wrap low-level details into an idiomatic Haskell interface, but

inline-c enables rapid prototyping and iterative

development of code that uses directly some of the C library today,

keeping for later the task of abstracting calls into a high-level,

type safe wrapper as needed. In short, inline-c let's you "pay as you go" when programming foreign code.

We first developed inline-c for use with numerical

libraries, in particular the popular and very high quality

commercial NAG library,

for tasks including ODE solving, function optimization, and

interpolation. If getting seamless access to the gold standard of

fast and reliable numerical routines is what you need, then you

will be interested in our companion package to work specifically

with NAG, inline-c-nag.

A taste of inline-c

What follows is just a teaser of what can be done with inline-c. Please refer to the Haddock documentation and the README for more details on how to use the showcased features.

Let's say we want to use C's variadic printf function and its convenient string formats. inline-c

let's you write this function call inline, without any need for a

binding to the foreign function:

Importing Language.C.Inline brings into scope the Template Haskell function include to include C headers (<stdio.h> and <math.h>), and the exp quasiquoter for embedding expressions in C syntax in Haskell code. Notice how inline-c has no

trouble even with C functions that have advanced calling

conventions, such as variadic functions. This is a crucial point:

we have the full power of C available at our fingertips, not just

whatever can be shoe-horned through the FFI.

We can capture Haskell variables to be used in the C expression, such as when computing x below:

The anti-quotation $(double x) indicates that we want to capture the variable x from the Haskell environment, and that we want it to have type double in C (inline-c will check at compile time that this is a sensible type ascription).

We can also splice in a block of C statements, and explicitly return the result:

Finally, the library provides facilities to easily use Haskell

data in C. For example, we can easily use Haskell

ByteStrings in C:

In this example, we use the bs-len and bs-ptr anti-quoters to get the length and pointer for a Haskell ByteString. inline-c has a

modular design: these anti-quoters are completely optional and can

be included on-demand. The C.context invocation adds the extra ByteStrings anti-quoters to the base set.

Similar facilities are present to easily use Haskell

Vectors as well as for invoking Haskell closures from C code.

Larger examples

We have included various examples in the inline-c and inline-c-nag

repositories. Currently they're geared toward scientific and

numerical computing, but we would welcome contributions using

inline-c in other fields.

For instance, gsl-ode.hs is a great example of combining the strengths

of C and the strengths of Haskell to good effect: we use a function

from C's GNU Scientific Library for solving ordinary differential equations (ODE) to solve a Lorenz system, and then take advantage of the very nice Chart-diagrams Haskell library to display its x and z coordinates:

In this example, the vec-ptr anti-quoter is used to get a pointer out of a mutable vector:

$vec-ptr:(double *fMut)

Where fMut is a variable of type Data.Storable.Vector.Mutable.Vector CDouble. Moreover, the fun anti-quoter is used to get a function pointer from a Haskell function:

$fun:(int (* funIO) (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void * params))

Where, funIO is a Haskell function of type

Note that all these anti-quoters (apart from the ones where only one type is allowed, like vec-len or bs-ptr) force the user to specify the target C type.

The alternative would have been to write the Haskell type. Either

way some type ascription is unfortunately required, due to a

limitation of Template Haskell. We choose C type annotations

because in this way, the user can understand precisely and state

explicitly the target type of any marshalling.

Note that at this stage, type annotations are needed, because it is

not possible to get the type of locally defined variables in

Template Haskell.

How it works under the hood

inline-c generates a piece of C code for most of

the Template Haskell functions and quasi-quoters function that it

exports. So when you write

[C.exp| double{ cos($(double x)) } |]

a C function gets generated:

double some_name(double x) {
    return cos(x);

This function is then bound to in Haskell through an

automatically generated FFI import declaration and invoked passing

the right argument -- the x variable from the Haskell

environment. The types specified in C are automatically translated

to the corresponding Haskell types, to generate the correct type


Custom anti quoters, such as vec-ptr and vec-len, handle the C and Haskell types independently. For example, when writing

[C.block| double {
    int i;
    double res;
    for (i = 0; i < $vec-len:xs; i++) {
      res += $vec-ptr:(double *xs)[i];
    return res;
  } |]

we'll get a function of type

double some_name(int xs_len, double *xs_ptr)

and on the Haskell side the variable xs will be

used in conjuction with some code getting its length and the

underlying pointer, both to be passed as arguments.

Building programs that use inline-c

The C code that inline-c generates is stored in a file named like the Haskell source file, but with a .c extension.

When using cabal, it is enough to specify generated C source, and eventual options for the C code:

executable foo
  main-is:             Main.hs, Foo.hs, Bar.hs
  hs-source-dirs:      src
  -- Here the corresponding C sources must be listed for every module
  -- that uses C code.  In this example, Main.hs and Bar.hs do, but
  -- Foo.hs does not.
  c-sources:           src/Main.c, src/Bar.c
  -- These flags will be passed to the C compiler
  cc-options:          -Wall -O2
  -- Libraries to link the code with.
  extra-libraries:     -lm

Note that currently cabal repl is not supported,

because the C code is not compiled and linked appropriately.

However, cabal repl will fail at the end, when trying

to load the compiled C code, which means that we can still use it

to type check our package when developing.

If we were to compile the above manually we could do

$ ghc -c Main.hs
$ cc -c Main.c -o Main_c.o
$ ghc Foo.hs
$ ghc Bar.hs
$ cc -c Bar.c -o Bar_c.o
$ ghc Main.o Foo.o Bar.o Main_c.o Bar_c.o -lm -o Main

Extending inline-c

As mentioned previously, inline-c can be extended

by defining custom anti-quoters. Moreover, we can also tell

inline-c about more C types beyond the primitive ones.

Both operations are done via the Context data type. Specifically, the Context contains a TypesTable, mapping C type specifiers to Haskell types; and a Map of AntiQuoters. A baseCtx is provided specifying mappings from all the base C types to Haskell types (int to CInt, double to CDouble, and so on). Contexts can be composed using their Monoid instance.

For example, the vecCtx contains two anti-quoters, vec-len and vec-ptr. When using inline-c with external libraries we often define a

context dedicated to said library, defining a

TypesTable converting common types find in the library to their Haskell counterparts. For example inline-c-nag

defines a context containing information regarding the types

commonly using in the NAG scientific library.

See the Language.C.Inline.Context module documentation for more.

C++ support

Our original use case for inline-c was always C

oriented. However, thanks to extensible contexts, it should be

possible to build C++ support on top of inline-c, as we dabbled with in inline-c-cpp.

In this way, one can mix C++ code into Haskell source files, while

reusing the infrastructure that inline-c provides for invoking foreign functions. Since inline-c generates C

wrapper functions for all inline expressions, one gets a function

with bona fide C linkage to wrap a C++ call, for free.

Dealing with C++ templates, passing C++ objects in and out and

conveniently manipulating them from Haskell are the next

challenges. If C++ support is what you need, feel free to

contribute to this ongoing effort!

Wrapping up

We meant inline-c as a simple, modular alternative

to monolithic binding libraries, borrowing the core concept of

FFI-less programming of foreign code from the H project and language-c-inline.

But this is just the first cut! We are releasing the library to the

community early in hopes that it will accelerate the Haskell

community's embrace of quality foreign libraries where they exist,

as an alternative to expending considerable resources reinventing

such libraries for little benefit. Numerical programming, machine

learning, computer vision, GUI programming and data analysis come

to mind as obvious areas where we want to leverage existing quality

code. In fact, FP Complete is using inline-c today to

enable quick access to all of NAG, a roughly 1.6K function strong

library, for a large compute-intensive codebase. We hope to see

many more use cases in the future.