


Dec 30, 2020

Meet the Measurements of Effective IT with Kube360

Meet the Measurements of Effective IT with Kube360

Meet the Measurements of Effective IT with Kube360


At the start of a new year, it is traditional to summarize what we have

learned over the past year and apply those lessons to the coming year.

This past year has been an outlier in so many ways. Hence, the usual

platitudes about lessons learned may seem out of place. Nonetheless,

people in a leadership position do not have the luxury of ignoring the

difficult situation we all face; they have an urgent responsibility to

move their organization to safety in these very trying times.

This article will focus on one specific resource that organizational

leadership must manage extraordinarily well: information technology.

Every year, pundits point out that IT is more important than ever

before. This past year drove home how true this tired cliché really is.

Organizational leaders don't need to hear this repeated. They want and

need to hear from us technologists the answer to "how do we make this

most vital tool truly effective?"

Before providing an answer, we need to define what effective IT means. To do that, let's look at some of the problems IT faced

during pandemic 2020:

  1. As most workers moved off-site, remote work added whole new layers

    of inter-worker communication issues that few companies had

    experienced before. IT was at the forefront of providing solutions

    to these issues at an incredibly rapid pace.

  2. Serving customers online moved from being just one more channel to

    the most important, and often the only channel. Online applications

    became front and center for nearly every business and service

    organization, private and public alike.

  3. The vast uncertainties in market functioning created by the pandemic

    challenged enterprise resource planning like never before. Getting

    timely information on every aspect of organizational functioning was

    no longer a desired goal but a necessity to survive.

To meet these challenges, IT programs and projects that, in the past,

might have been implemented over many months or even years had to be

completed in weeks or days. This was necessary to ensure all

organizational operations, both in- and out-facing, continued to

function at all, let alone smoothly.

Hence, in 2021 effective IT means IT that can build

applications that are

  • scalable instantly and reliably,

  • adaptable to rapidly changing requirements,

  • deployable almost instantaneously,

  • resilient against security threats and

  • capable of ensuring customer and organizational privacy.

These measures of effectiveness are not new. What is new is that they

are no longer a "nice to have" goal but a matter of organizational


The good news is that how to achieve this type of effectiveness is

something that technologists have been talking about for the past

decade. The rest of this article will show you how to stop talking about

effective IT in your organization and start doing it now.

Kubernetes – 21st Century IT Infrastructure

Let's start with "scalable instantly and reliably." By now, most of us

have heard the metaphor that our IT applications need to be cattle, not

pets. Suppose we want extremely high reliability and scalability with

minimum stress on IT resources. In that case, we don't want our IT staff

fiddling around and wasting time figuring out why an app stopped working

on a particular pet VM. We want them to be able to immediately kill the

non-functioning "cattle" and redeploy an exact replica to get the

application right back up. That is precisely what containerized

applications allow us to do.

Remember we said we want minimum stress on IT resources? That means we

don't want IT staff redeploying a new container when an old one goes

down. We want our systems to be self-healing. In other words, we want

redeployments of failed applications to happen automatically. Even more

than that, we want multiple containers with the exact same application

to be deployed to handle spikes in demand automatically. Then, we want

an automatic scale down of that deployment after peak demand passes to

conserve compute resources. Even better, we want the underlying

infrastructure resources themselves to automatically scale up and down

to handle peaks and valleys of demand.

Kubernetes is the tool that manages container "cattle" and can do all of

the above and more. Despite there being several alternatives out there,

whether, in the cloud or on-premise, Kubernetes has become the de-facto

standard tool for container orchestration. All the major cloud and

software vendors now fully support Kubernetes, precisely because it is

not "owned" by any of them. For this reason, along with its rapid

adoption, there has been enormous growth of ancillary tooling available

for Kubernetes.

In sum, containerizing applications and having Kubernetes orchestrate

these containers is now the baseline tool requirement for effective IT.

You can read more about the advantages of Kubernetes here.

Continuous Deployment

Let's now turn to the next measures of effective IT, "adaptable to

rapidly changing requirements and deployable almost instantaneously."

We've all heard about the magic of continuous integration/continuous

deployment (CI/CD). We are told that CI/CD is a technique developed by

the millennial generation of tech giants. It allows organizations to

continuously add new features to applications while remaining confident

that the new and/or improved features work as defined without

interfering with the rest of the application's functioning.

While almost always lumped together, the two halves of CI/CD have

different roles. The role of CI is integration, which means integration testing – add some code and make sure everything works

just as before, except for the new functionality, which also works as

described. Once CI has confirmed that we have a well-tested version of

the application, it automatically packages it up. It stores it with a

stamp indicating what version of our code it represents. The second role

is that of CD, which is deployment – getting our packaged application

out into the world where it can be used.

Deployment can happen in many ways and many places for different

purposes. Hence it is useful to separate CI from CD. This allows us to

use a CD system tailored to our deployment environment's specific needs,

which, for our current purposes, is Kubernetes. There are multiple

options, but the two most widely used CD options for Kubernetes have

joined together to create a CD system known as Argo CD. Best-of-breed

CI/CD systems are based on the following critical DevOps principles:

  • Infrastructure as Code

  • Version tracking

  • Automated workflows

  • One source of truth

Argo CD uses Git repositories to implement all these principles, so it

is known as a GitOps tool. You can learn much more about Argo CD and

its many advantages


Security in 2021

The last measure of effective IT is not something new. Everyone knows

security and privacy are critical. What is new are the levels of threat

organizations face when the whole world is interconnected. The recent

Solarwinds episode demonstrates how IT is now literally the front line

for warring nations.

Businesses don't have the luxury of disconnecting from the internet —

but security and privacy access controls can make using online systems

difficult and even unpleasant. The result is that organizational staff

often take shortcuts to avoid the barriers and save themselves time.

Unfortunately, these shortcuts then serve as vectors of attack for


The key lesson is that making security easy to use is critically important in making security effective. FP Complete has created a

security tool for Kubernetes (and other platforms) that makes security

much easier to implement and use. Among its key features:

  • Leverage existing user directories and credentials

  • Grant everyone in your organization access to the cluster.

  • Ensure credentials are all per-user, time based, and never copy-pasted through screens.

  • Carry a single set of credentials across all add-ons provided with

    Kube360Provide easy command-line access to the Kubernetes cluster,

    leveraging secure, and easy credential acquisition.

You can learn more about our authentication tool here.

Kube360 – Kubernetes with Batteries Included

In our shortlist of measures that define effective IT in 2021, we left

out all the standard measures that have long been best practice, for


  • Observability – manage, monitor, and check the health of applications and infrastructure

  • Auditability – track all interactions with applications and infrastructure for forensic analysis

  • Compliance – ensure infrastructure and applications meet government and industry standards

By now, it should be evident that meeting these measures will require

you to add even more tools to your Kubernetes cluster. We all know from

experience that choosing the right tool and integrating many different

tools is extremely time-consuming and expensive. We seem to be stuck in

an unsolvable paradox: on the one hand, we need a multi-headed hydra

tool to implement effective IT in our organizations; on the other hand,

building this tool will be too time-consuming and therefore mean we

won't be effective the way we need to be.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was an off-the-shelf tool with all the

"batteries included"? We need a tool that allows us to easily deploy

Kubernetes clusters in the cloud and on premise, which includes and

integrates the many tools we need to meet all the measures of effective

IT we've discussed thus far. Fortunately, there is such a tool. It's

FP Complete's Kube360. You can learn more about

it here.