Nov 19, 2015
Kubernetes (AKA "k8s")
From Kubernetes is an open source orchestration
system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a
compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their
state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of
"labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an
application into logical units for easy management and
We use it to host some of our web applications at FP Complete.
In this article we will show you how to deploy a Kubernetes cluster
to Amazon's AWS cloud, create a Haskell web application, build the
application with Stack and finally deploy the application with
Docker & Kubernetes. The whole process should take about 10
Download the command line interface kubectl
here (the binary CLI for your OS will be found in the tarball).
You'll need this executable in order to interact with your deployed
Kubernetes cluster. Download it now & make sure it's in your
If you are curious about all the things you can do with Kubernetes, you can find the documentation online. There's also an active mail-list and IRC channel.
kube-aws Deployment Tool
The CoreOS team has created a nice AWS CloudFormation tool for
deploying working clusters of Kubernetes on AWS with ease. This is
much simpler than my blog post from last winter (shows the guts of a
CloudFormation deployment with CoreOS & Kubernetes.) These days all
we need is one command line tool & a tiny yaml manifest file.
Download the command line tool here and put it in your PATH.
Deploy Kubernetes
Setup your AWS environment variables
Make sure you have at least the following environment variables set:
Create a folder for the new cluster
This will house the TLS certificates & configuration for communicating with Kubernetes after launch.
Create a ~/.kube/clusters/kube/cluster.yaml manifest file
This file will be used by kube-aws when launching a cluster (or destroying a cluster. See kube-aws --help
for more options.)
Launch with kube-aws
Once our manifest is ready we can launch our cluster.
This will output the IP address of the master node. Take note of the IP address for the next step.
Set a DNS A record for the Kubernetes IP address
Set an external DNS 'A' record with master node's IP address.
If you don't have control of DNS for a domain, you can put an entry into your /etc/hosts file.
Configure kubectl
Then we'll want to link the kubectl configuration file that
kube-aws produced into the right spot (~/.kube/config) so we can
talk to our cluster.
Interact with the Kubernetes cluster
Everything should be ready to interact with our new cluster.
Let's list the (worker) nodes. You should see 3 based on our
manifest file above.
Haskell Web Service
Start a new haskell package
Let's create a new directory for our example haskell web service. (We could have used stack new hello
to create
an application stub but our needs are as simple as they get. We'll
just create a couple of files & our project will be complete.)
Create a hello.cabal
As with any Haskell application we need a cabal file describing the project.
Create a stack.yaml
We also need a stack.yaml file. This sets the resolver (and the
GHC version. In this case it's 7.10.2). The stack.yaml file also
describes what packages we are building and it has container image
Create a Dockerfile
In order for Stack to build our application & package a docker
container, we need to setup a base image with all our application
dependencies. Put anything in your base image that your application
will need. In our case today, we only need libgmp which is used by
most haskell applications.
Now we need to build & tag the base image. You most likely only
need to do this once. You can optionally tag this base image &
share it on DockerHub with your co-workers.
Create a Main.hs
Every haskell application needs it's Main module. This one
simply fires up a Warp web-server on port 8080 and always serves
"hello world" as plain text.
Build with Stack
This will compile your haskell executable and layer it on top of your 'base' image.
You should now see a hello
docker image if you list your images.
Test the image locally
We should now be able to run the docker image locally & see it work. Try it.
In another window use curl or your web-browser to access port 8080.
Press ctrl-c when you are done with the local docker web-server.
Push the image to dockerhub
Next we'll tag the hello image with our dockerhub user prefix and a version. Then we'll push the image up to
Deploy to Kubernetes
Now that we have our application written & published we can
deploy it to our new Kubernetes cluster. In order to deploy any
cluster of web-servers to Kubernetes you need two basic yaml files.
One is the Replication Controller file & the other is the Service
Create a hello-rc.yaml
The Replication Controller file describes our docker container's
needs (ports, volumes, number of replicas, etc). Kubernetes will
use this information to maintain a number of docker containers on
the cluster running your application.
Create a hello-svc.yaml
The Service file describes the external interface for your
replicated application. It can optionally create a load-balancer
and map ports into your replicated application. If you need your
application to be exposed to the internet, then you need a Service
Deploy the Controller & Service to Kubernetes
Next we use the kubectl
command line tool to tell
Kubernetes to deploy this application. We can do it with one
Describe the running Service
We can ask Kubernetes how the deployment went with the get
You should see your new hello application being deployed (possibly not ready yet.)
You should see 2 of our hello applications deployed on 2 of our 3 worker nodes.
After a few minutes you should be able to get information about the applications external interface.
This will show you the Amazon ELB DNS name. You can stick this
hostname in your browser & your should see 'hello world'. You can
update DNS with a CNAME from your domain to the Amazon ELB DNS name
if you would like a shorter URL.