Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Dec 28, 2017

Parsing command line arguments

Parsing command line arguments

Parsing command line arguments

There are many ways to make programs that use settings to

customise their behavior. In this post, we provide an overview of

these methods and some best practices.

Different approaches to passing settings

Settings as global state versus passing settings as an argument

The first distinction to make is between passing settings as an

argument to the operating part of your program, or to make settings

part of the global state that is available to the entire


In pseudocode, the difference looks like this:

% Passing settings as an argument
main () {
 settings =: getSettings(getArgs())

myMain (settings) {
 if (settings.shouldIDoSomething) {


% Settings in the global state
global settings =: getSettings(getArgs())

main () {

myMain () {
  if (settings.shouldIDoSomething) {

The Commons CLI (Java) and Optparse Applicative libraries are examples of the former. The gflags (C++) library is an

example of the latter.

The advantage of using settings as global state is that any part

of your program has access to them. The disadvantage of passing

settings as arguments is that you may have to refactor your

program, should you wish to add some customization, to give the

appropriate part access to the settings.

The disadvantages of using settings as global state are


  • The size of the relevant state is increased globally as you make more settings that can be configured.

  • This is not testable without setting the global variables before running a test.

  • You cannot run the same program twice with different arguments

    in an automated fashion without setting global variables in between

    the runs.

  • The settings become available to all parts of your program, even the parts that should be parametric in the settings.

Mutable versus immutable settings

A second distinction is between allowing or disallowing the

mutation of settings after building them. If mutating settings is

not allowed, we call the settings immutable.

In pseudo code, the question is whether this should be


settings.poolSize += 1

The Commons CLI (Java) and Optparse applicative (Haskell) are examples of libraries that

treat settings as immutable objects. On the other hand, the

optparse (Python)

library is an example of a library that provides mutable


Why are mutable settings a bad idea?

  • You cannot assume that settings do not change throughout execution.

  • If settings are a mutable resource, they have to be locked to prevent race conditions.

Immutable Object -Small.jpg

Purely functional versus impure argument parsing

The next distinction is describes whether the argument parsing

operates on a list of strings, or gathers the given program

arguments from global state.

% Parsing given arguments:
settings =: parseArgs(getArgs())


% Letting the argument parsing get the arguments from global state:
settings =: parseArgs()

parseArgs () {
  args = getArgs()

Why is impure parsing a bad idea?

  • You can never assume that the parser does not access any global state like the environment variables

  • Testing becomes harder because you have to set the program

    arguments from within the test instead of just passing a list of

    strings to the parser.

  • Because settings are a global resource, this means parsing cannot be concurrent (also relevant for testing).

Passing settings as-is versus pre-processing settings

Command-line arguments are usually not the only way a user would

want to customize the behaviour of your program. A user may want

also want to use the process environment and configuration files.

In this case, the actual settings that a program will use will

depend on multiple pieces of information.

The difference here, in pseudo code, looks as follows:

% Pre-processing argumnets
arguments =: parseArgs(getArgs())
settings =: gatherSettings(arguments)

gatherSettings (arguments) {
  s =:
  environment =: getEnvironment
  s.doSomething =: arguments.doSomething
 ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑|| environment.get("DO_SOMETHING")
  return s

myMain () {
  if (settings.doSomething) {


% Using arguments as-is

arguments =: parseArgs(getArgs())

myMain () {
  environment =: getEnvironment
  if (arguments.doSomething || environment.get("DO_SOMETHING")) {

Why is 'passing settings as-is' a bad idea:

  • Either no flexibility in conditional settings, or pollution of supposed-to-be irrelevant settings.

  • No separation of concerns between the 'deciding what the settings should be' and 'using the settings'.

Standardised meaning of some words:

Because the naming of some relevant terms can be confusing, here

are some proposed standard definitions:

  • Real constant: A fixed constant in the program that is

    universal accross programs e.g. 'decimalBase = 10',

    'multiplicativeIdentityForNumbers = 1'

  • Configuration Constant: A fixed constant in the program that dictates functionality e.g. approximationIterations = 6

  • Program name: The name of the executable being called. This may be relevant to functionality. e.g. 'git'

  • Command-line Arguments: Anything passed on the command-line as the list of strings

  • Command: The specific action indication passed as the arguments

    e.g. find and its specific arguments and options like the query

    Note that not every program (needs to) use commands.

  • Options: Any optional argument, they mostly start with -- or -

    and are followed by the argument. e.g. --message='I made a git

    commit, yay!'

  • Flags: Usually only binary options, but could also be any

    option or even everything except the command; The argument values

    that are comon to all commands and/or relevant in further option

    parsing e.g. --verbose

  • Environment variable: A single variable in the environment that is available to a process. e.g. DATABASE_SECRET

  • Environment: The mapping of environment variables e.g. [PORT=8000, DATABASE_SECRET=hunter2]

  • Configuration: The total of all file system state that

    configures your program: mostly files e.g. A file config.yaml, its

    existence, and its contents: `exclude-extensions: .hi'

  • Settings: The values that the program actually uses to decide

    what it will do. In certain contextst, this can also mean: The

    non-action-specific settings. I.e. global settings e.g. a boolean

    representing --verbose

  • Dispatch: The description of the chosen action and

    action-specific settings e.g. a value that represents the intention

    to run the 'find' part of the program and all the relevant

    action-specific settings

General tips:


Ideally, anything configurable should be configurable in the

configuration file, the environment variables and command-line

options. This allows users to choose the way they configure the


Command-line options should override the environment variables,

and they should override the config files. The reasoning is that

the ease of overriding should be proportional to its ephemerality

such that settings are always chosen on purpose.

Make all data involved in the optparse process printable. (i.e.

do not store functions instead of data) This ensures that you can

write property tests for anything involving that data.


Wherever possible, use real constants defined by a library

instead of defining them yourself. e.g. SECONDS_IN_AN_HOUR This

turns the library into a single source of truth.

Do not define constants as constants if it's not really a

constant. You probably want to be able to configure those. e.g.


Conversely: Do not make real constants configurable. e.g. Do not

make --decimal-base=INT# and option You will save yourself a world

of headaches.

Leave magic numbers if they're part of

a formula and you would just refer back to the formula e.g.

discriminant = b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c instead of D = b ^



Arguments and Options

Use kebab-case for option names. It integrates well with the

dashes in front of them.

Use the standard format for arguments:

  • Use a single dash - for short (one character options).

  • Use a double dash -- for long options. Use kebab case names that look-like-this for long options.

  • Do not use a single dash for long options. E.g. -force instead of --force or -f.

Do not use - in front of commands. I.e my-grep find instead of

my-grep --find (GPG famously does this wrong.) There are exactly

two exceptions to this rule: --help and --version. In a perfect

world, we would have my-grep help instead of my-grep --help, but

these two have become such standard practice that they cannot be

ignored. Going against this convention will only cause


Do not make arguments that look like options required. I.e.

greet hello --name Richard The - in front of an option is a great

way to distinguish between optional and required arguments.

Do not use short flags if they're not obvious. I.e.: -f for

--force, but not -l for --files-with-matches (actual example from

grep) Short flags are annoying enough to use as-is, their mnemonic

should at least make sense.

Environment variables

Use UPPER_CASE names for your environment variables. Some

programmers even think that you cannot use lower case variables in

environment variables. Let us use this assumption to prevent


Because the environment has just one global namespace, you

should prefix your environment variables with the name of your

program: LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This way there can never be confusion as

to which program the variable is for.


Make sure config files are human-readable. A binary config file

is not a config file, it is a data file. Config files are made for

humans to edit, so make them readable for humans.

Make sure config files are modular. Sharing parts of your config

can be a great way to reduce the total amount of configuration that

a user has to manage.

Put config files in a considerate place.

~/.config/my-program.cfg instead of ~/.my-programrc.cfg There are

dedicated libraries in most languages that will help you to


Make the location of your config file override-able with a flag

(i.e. --config-file) A user should not have to replace a file to

change the configuration. Instead, they should be able to choose a

different config file on a granular basis.

Consider looking for configuration files in more than one

(sensible) location. This can be great for the user experience. See

stack that looks recursively upwards, so that a user does not have

to think about where they run the command.

Stick with standard configuration formats: YAML, JSON, INI.

Refrain from inventing your own format. This will make third party

tooling a lot easier to build.

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