Feb 17, 2015
I originally wrote this content as a chapter of Mezzo Haskell. I'm going to be starting up a
similar effort to Mezzo Haskell in the next few days, and I wanted
to get a little more attention on this content to get feedback on
style and teaching approach. I'll be discussing that new initiative
on the Commercial Haskell mailing list.
The point of this chapter is to help you peel back some of the
layers of abstraction in Haskell coding, with the goal of
understanding things like primitive operations, evaluation order,
and mutation. Some concepts covered here are generally "common
knowledge" in the community, while others are less well understood.
The goal is to cover the entire topic in a cohesive manner. If a
specific section seems like it's not covering anything you don't
already know, skim through it and move on to the next one.
While this chapter is called "Primitive Haskell," the topics are
very much GHC-specific. I avoided calling it "Primitive GHC" for
fear of people assuming it was about the internals of GHC itself.
To be clear: these topics apply to anyone compiling their Haskell
code using the GHC compiler.
Note that we will not be fully covering all topics here. There
is a "further reading" section at the end of this chapter with
links for more details.
Let's do addition
Let's start with a really simple question: tell me how GHC deals
with the expression 1 + 2
. What actually
happens inside GHC? Well, that's a bit of a trick question, since
the expression is polymorphic. Let's instead use the more concrete
expression 1 + 2 :: Int
. The +
operator is actually a method of the Num
type class, so we need to look at the Num Int
Huh... well that looks somewhat magical. Now we need to understand both the I#
constructor and the +#
operator (and what's with the hashes all of a sudden?). If we do a Hoogle search, we can easily find the relevant docs, which leads us to the following
So our first lesson: the Int
data type you've been
using since you first started with Haskell isn't magical at all,
it's defined just like any other algebraic data type... except for
those hashes. We can also search for +#
, and end up at some documentation giving the type:
Now that we know all the types involved, go back and look at the
instance I quoted above, and make sure you feel
comfortable that all the types add up (no pun intended). Hurrah, we
now understand exactly how addition of Int
s works.
Well, not so fast. The Haddocks for +#
have a very
convenient source link... which (apparently due to a Haddock bug)
doesn't actually work. However, it's easy enough to find the correct hyperlinked source. And now we see the implementation of +#
, which is:
That doesn't look like addition, does it? In fact, let x = x in x
is another way of saying bottom, or undefined
, or infinite loop. We have now officially
entered the world of primops.
primops, short for primary operations, are core pieces of
functionality provided by GHC itself. They are the magical boundary
between "things we do in Haskell itself" and "things which our
implementation provides." This division is actually quite elegant;
as we already explored, the standard +
operator and Int
data type you're used to are actually themselves
defined in normal Haskell code, which provides many benefits: you
get standard type class support, laziness, etc. We'll explore some
of that in more detail later.
Look at the implementation of other functions in GHC.Prim
; they're all defined as let x = x in x
. When GHC
reaches a call to one of these primops, it automatically replaces
it with the real implementation for you, which will be some
assembly code, LLVM code, or something similar.
Why do all of these functions end in a #
? That's called the magic hash (enabled by the MagicHash
language extension), and it is a convention to distinguish boxed
and unboxed types and operations. Which, of course, brings us to
our next topic.
Unboxed types
The I#
constructor is actually just a normal data
constructor in Haskell, which happens to end with a magic hash.
However, Int#
is not a normal Haskell data type. In GHC.Prim
, we can see that it's implementation
Which, like everything else in GHC.Prim
is really a
lie. In fact, it's provided by the implementation, and is in fact a
normal long int
from C (32-bit or 64-bit, depending on
architecture). We can see something even funnier about it in
That's right, Int#
has a different kind than normal Haskell datatypes: #
. To quote the GHC docs:
Most types in GHC are boxed, which means that values of that
type are represented by a pointer to a heap object. The
representation of a Haskell
, for example, is atwo-word heap object. An unboxed type, however, is represented by
the value itself, no pointers or heap allocation are involved.
See those docs for more information on distinctions between
boxed and unboxed types. It is vital to understand those
differences when working with unboxed values. However, we're not
going to go into those details now. Instead, let's sum up what
we've learnt so far:
addition is just normal Haskell code in a typeclassInt
itself is a normal Haskell datatypeGHC provides
as an unboxedlong int
and addition on that type, respectively. This is exported byGHC.Prim
, but the real implementation is "inside" GHC.An
contains anInt#
, which is an unboxed type.Addition of
s takes advantage of the+#
More addition
Alright, we understand basic addition! Let's make things a bit
more complicated. Consider the program:
We know for certain that the program will first print
, and then print 7
. But let me ask you a different question. Which operation will GHC perform first: 1 + 2
or 3 + 4
? If you guessed 1 + 2
, you're probably right, but not necessarily! Thanks
to referential transparency, GHC is fully within its rights to
rearrange evaluation of those expressions and add 3 + 4
before 1 + 2
. Since neither expression
depends on the result of the other, we know that it is irrelevant
which evaluation occurs first.
Note: This is covered in much more detail on the GHC wiki's
evaluation order and state tokens page.
That begs the question: if GHC is free to rearrange evaluation
like that, how could I say in the previous paragraph that the
program will always print 3
before printing 7
? After all, it doesn't appear that print y
uses the result of print x
at all, so we not
rearrange the calls? To answer that, we again need to unwrap some
layers of abstraction. First, let's evaluate and inline
and y
and get rid of the do
-notation sugar. We end up with the program:
We know that print 3
and print 7
each have type IO ()
, so the >>
operator being used comes from the Monad IO
instance. Before we can understand that, though, we need to look at the definition of IO
We have a few things to understand about this line. Firstly,
and RealWorld
. For now, just pretend like they are a single type; we'll see when we get to ST
why State#
has a type parameter. The other thing to understand is that (# ... #)
syntax. That's an unboxed tuple, and it's a way of returning
multiple values from a function. Unlike a normal, boxed tuple,
unboxed tuples involve no extra allocation and create no
takes a real world state, and gives you back
a real world state and some value. And that right there is how we
model side effects and mutation in a referentially transparent
language. You may have heard the description of IO
"taking the world and giving you a new one back." What we're doing
here is threading a specific state token through a series of
function calls. By creating a dependency on the result of a
previous function, we are able to ensure evaluation order, yet
still remain purely functional.
Let's see this in action, by coming back to our example from
above. We're now ready to look at the Monad IO
(Yes, I changed things a bit to make them easier to understand.
As an exercise, compare that this version is in fact equivalent to
what is actually defined in GHC.Base
.) Let's inline these definitions into print 3 >> print 7
Notice how, even though we ignore the result of print 3
(the res1
value), we still depend on the new state token s1
when we evaluate print 7
, which forces the order of evaluation to first evaluate print 3
and then evaluate print 7
. If you look through GHC.Prim
, you'll see that a number of primitive operations are defined in terms of State# RealWorld
or State# s
, which allows us to force
evaluation order.
Exercise: implement a function getMaskingState :: IO Int
using the getMaskingState#
primop and the IO
data constructor.
The ST monad
Let's compare the definitions of the IO
and ST
Well that looks oddly similar. Said more precisely, IO
is isomorphic to ST RealWorld
. ST
works under the exact same principles as IO
for threading state through, which is why we're able to have things like mutable references in the ST
By using an uninstantiated s
value, we can ensure that we aren't "cheating" and running arbitrary IO
actions inside an ST
action. Instead, we just have
"local state" modifications, for some definition of local state.
The details of using ST
correctly and the Rank2Types approach to runST
are interesting, but beyond the
scope of this chapter, so we'll stop discussing them here.
Since ST RealWorld
is isomorphic to IO
, we should be able to convert between the two of them. base
does in fact provide the stToIO
function. Exercise: write a pair of functions to convert between IO a
and ST RealWorld a
. Exercise: GHC.Prim
has a section on mutable variables, which forms the basis on IORef
and STRef
. Provide a new implementation of STRef
, including newSTRef,
readSTRef, and
It's a bit unfortunate that we have to have two completely
separate sets of APIs: one for IO
and another for ST
. One common example of this is IORef
and STRef
, but- as we'll see at the end of this
section- there are plenty of operations that we'd like to be able
to generalize.
This is where PrimMonad
, from the primitive
package, comes into play. Let's look at its definition:
Note: I have not included the internal
method, since it will likely be removed. In fact, at the time you're reading this, it may
already be gone!
is an associated type giving the type of the state token. For IO
, that's RealWorld
, and for ST s
, it's s
. primitive
gives a way to lift the internal implementation of both IO
and ST
to the monad under question.
Exercise: Write implementations of the PrimMonad IO
and PrimMonad (ST s)
instances, and compare
against the real ones.
The primitive package provides a number of wrappers around types
and functions from GHC.Prim
and generalizes them to both IO
and ST
via the PrimMonad
type class. Exercise: Extend your previous STRef
implementation to work in any PrimMonad
. After you're done, you may want to have a look at Data.Primitive.MutVar. The vector
package builds on top of the primitive
package to provide mutable vectors that can be used from both IO
and ST
. This chapter is not a tutorial on the vector
package, so we
won't go into any more details now. However, if you're curious,
please look through the Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable
ReaderIO monad
To tie this off, we're going to implement a
type. This will flatten together the implementations of ReaderT
and IO
Generally speaking, there's no advantage to doing this: GHC should
always be smart enough to generate the same code for this and for
ReaderT r IO
(and in my benchmarks, they perform
identically). But it's a good way to test that you understand the
details here.
You may want to try implementing this yourself before looking at
the implementation below.
Exercise: Modify the ReaderIO
monad to instead be a ReaderST
monad, and take an s
parameter for the specific state token.