Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Functional Programming

Aug 22, 2012

Ten Things You Should Know About Haskell Syntax

Ten Things You Should Know About Haskell Syntax

Ten Things You Should Know About Haskell Syntax

Learning a new programming language involves learning syntax,

semantics, and idioms. Syntax itself can tell you a lot about the

philosophy of the language, but learning syntax without any context

is not only hard but also boring. On the other hand, you'd want to

get some handle on syntax as soon as possible, so you can

sight-read simple programs and try your own hand at modifying


So here's a little introduction to Haskell syntax, without any

formal definitions, that touches on the philosophy of the language

and tries not to be too boring. Unless you are already a Haskell

pro, you're not supposed to understand all of it on the first

reading. In fact you might want to occasionally come back to it as

you are progressing in your understanding of Haskell. (If you're a

Haskell pro, you might cringe at some mental shortcuts I've taken

for the sake of simplicity.)

Table of Contents

  1. Haskell is Terse

  2. Function Call Syntax is Terse

  3. Function Definition Syntax is Terse

  4. Currying is Cool (and Terse)

  5. What’s not a Declaration is an Expression

  6. There are no Loops

  7. Function Application Has Precedence over Operators

  8. Data Types are Algebraic and Pattern Matching is Ubiquitous

  9. There is no Order

  10. There is Order in Do

1. Haskell is Terse

There is very little redundancy in Haskell so almost everything,

including whitespace, has meaning.

The good thing is that, once you get used to it, you'll be able

to see more program logic at a glance. In a wordy language you not

only waste precious keystrokes but you also dilute the structure

and meaning of your program. Code that fills one screenful in

Haskell, would be spread over several screenfuls in Java. For a

Haskell programmer, studying a Java or a C++ program is like

looking at it through a microscope: you see lots of detail but miss

the big picture.

One of those things that seem indispensable in other languages

are special characters for separating statements (e.g., semicolons)

and delimiting blocks (e.g., braces). Mind you, every programmer

worth his or her salt uses formatting to make their code readable,

but the compiler throws the formatting away. Haskell does (almost)

the opposite. It recognizes blocks by indentation (but please use spaces, not tabs), and newlines as separators.

As part of this philosophy of frugality of expression Haskell

doesn't require type signatures -- although an experienced

Haskeller provides them for clarity -- so type errors in this

strongly typed language are often cryptic for the uninitiated. For

instance, if you define a function f that adds two

numbers and then call it with two strings, the compiler will not

complain about bad arguments, it will complain about string not

supporting operator plus. And it will formulate this complaint in a

very non-obvious way:

Also, the case is important. Anything that starts with a capital letter is either a concrete type or a data

constructor. Lower-case-starting names are reserved for function

names and variables, including type variables.

The bad thing about terseness is that lack of redundancy makes

error reporting harder. The compiler truly doesn't know if you have

forgotten a closing parenthesis or messed up indentation.

2. Function Call Syntax is Terse

This is probably the first and the hardest obstacle in reading

Haskell code fluently: There is no special syntax for function

application. Any set of identifiers separated by

spaces is a function call. For instance:

is a call to function a with arguments b, c, d, and e. If you use

parentheses it's only to delimit individual arguments (if they are

expressions); and commas are used to separate tuple elements. So if

you see something like this:

you interpret it as a call to (application of) a function

f to just one argument -- a tuple of three

elements. It's very important to train your eyes to look for

spaces. They separate functions from their arguments and arguments

from each other.

When an argument to a function is a result of another function

application, you have to use parentheses for that. For


means the function a acting on two arguments, b and (c d), which itself is an application of function c to d. There is

a way to omit the parentheses in the above by using the operator

$ (dollar sign):

A $ is interpreted as: What follows is the last

argument to the function you're calling.

3. Function Definition Syntax is Terse

A function definition:

  • starts with the name of the function,

  • followed by its formal parameters separated by white spaces,

  • an equal sign,

  • and an expression that is the body of the function.

You should be able to parse this line of code:

It's a definition of the function a that takes two formal parameters, b and c. The body of this function is a call to d with two arguments, e and f. Of course, the use of short

meaningless names is not encouraged in Haskell but I do it here to

help you prime your internal parser.

When formal parameters are enclosed in parentheses, they contain patterns. If an argument is data with some

structure, it can be pattern-matched on the spot. Types that have

more than one constructor may be pattern-matched in more than one

way. In that case there may be what looks like several definitions

of the same function. For instance, a function that operates on a

tree might be defined as:

Here, (Leaf x) matches a leaf node containing a value x, and (Node left right) matches an internal node with two children left and right.

Function definitions may also contain guards: boolean expressions constraining the arguments.

The use of the equal sign as part of function definition has a deeper meaning. The right hand side is equal to the left

hand side in the sense that it might be substituted for it anywhere

in the program -- with the formal parameters replaced by actual

arguments. In fact using this kind of "equational reasoning" you

may formally prove things about your code.

4. Currying is Cool (and Terse)

It's okay to call a function of, say, 5 parameters:

with, say, two arguments:

The result is a new function that takes 3 arguments (the

remaining ones). This is called partial application and is possible

because any function of multiple arguments can be curried, i.e.,

interpreted as a function of one argument returning another

function. This fundamental property is reflected in the way we

write type signatures for functions:

A function of one argument has the type:

where a and b are some types. For instance, a function

strLen that takes a string and returns an integer

would have the signature:

Type signatures are optional but, nevertheless, they are routinely

written before function definitions.

The signature of the function prefix that takes a string and an integer and returns a string would be:

The last arrow points to the return type of the function, the

preceding one(s) separate argument types (here, String from Int). But there is an equivalent, curried,

interpretation of this signature:

In this interpretation prefix is a function of one argument of type String returning a function that takes an Int and returns a String.

The parentheses are usually omitted because of the right

associativity of the arrow.

Another common trick is to provide a signature that lists more arguments than the function definition. For instance:

Here a two-argument function f is defined in terms of a one-argument function g. This is equivalent to:

but using the curried form is considered cooler because it

eliminates some notational redundancy. The extreme of this approach

is called point-free style, in which arguments are not

used at all and functions are defined in terms of other functions.

The downside to currying is cryptic error messages. The compiler

can't, for instance, guess that you have forgotten to provide an

argument to some function. It will instead think that you used a

curried function and may, for instance, complain that it can't

convert the (curried) function to some other type that was expected

at that point in your code.

5. What's not a Declaration is an Expression

The body of a function is an expression. This expression evaluates

to a value which is returned by the function. Terseness dictates

that there is no return statement in Haskell. There is however an

(overloaded) library function called return (more

about which later).

It follows that the if/then/else construct is an expression too: it returns a value from one of the branches.

You might think that a definition of a local variable would be a

statement, but it isn't. Instead you introduce locals using the

let/in expression. You "let" a name (or a pattern) be

equal to something "in" an expression. The scope of the new name(s)

span the expression following in. For instance:

is equal to 25.

Another statement-like expression is the pattern-matching case/of construct, as in:

The value of this expression is one of the expressions to the right

of the arrows.

You might think that a loop must be a statement, but it isn't because:

6. There are no Loops

The replacement for loops is recursion. You might worry that

recursion could blow your stack, and that's a valid concern. In

time you'll learn more about the execution model of Haskell to be

able to correctly predict resource usage (both stack and heap

memory) of each approach. For now, remember that Haskell will

optimize tail-recursive cases. Thinking recursively rather than

loopily takes some getting used to, but it quickly becomes second


Recursion is not used as often as you'd expect since a lot of

loops can be replaced by bulk operations: functions that take lists

or other containers. They are, under the surface, implemented using

recursion, but they are often easier to read and reason about. Four

such functions from the Haskell standard library, Prelude, are

ubiquitous in Haskell code: map, filter, foldl, and foldr.

7. Function Application Has Precedence over Operators

The most important thing in parsing Haskell code is to understand

the precedence of various constructs. Function application -- in

most cases just the "whitespace operator" --has the highest

precedence. So if you see something like this:

you know that you are adding the result of two function calls

rather than calling one function with one of the arguments being

the sum of two terms. Other operators have precedences between 0

(the lowest) and 9 (the highest, but still lower than function

application). In particular the $ operator has

precedence 0; and the dot, function composition, has precedence 9.

Parentheses may always be used to clarify both precedence and associativity.

8. Data Types are Algebraic and Pattern Matching is Ubiquitous

Conceptually, new data types are defined using combinations of OR

and AND. These two operations form an algebra, with OR playing the

role of addition and AND playing the role of multiplication.

The OR, denoted by | (vertical bar) in data

definitions, could be understood as creating a tagged union -- in

the simplest case it's just an enumeration. For instance, a Bool

type can be described as:

Bool is the name of the type and True and False are called data constructors

(notice the mandatory capitalization).

The AND combination could be understood as forming tuples or structures with one or more fields of different types.

Since data is immutable in Haskell, an object always remembers

how it was created. It remembers which data constructor was called

and what values (or expressions) were passed to it.

Data constructor can also be used as a pattern to match this

information, e.g., in a function definition, a let expression, or

in the case/of expression. We've seen examples of this in items 3

and 5. Here's the (recursive) data type definition that was used in

those examples (see also the Appendix):

9. There is no Order

The order of definitions within a module doesn't matter. That

means you can call a function or use a data structure whose

definition is further down in the file -- no no need for forward

declarations. There is even a where construct that lets you define local functions or variables after the code that calls them, as in:

By the way, Haskell is a lazy language, so things are not

evaluated in the order you write them. Instead they are evaluated

when the values are needed. Evaluation is forced, for instance,

when you want to output results, or when you want to pattern-match

them. There is also the bang operator and the seq function that force (some degree of) evaluation.

One of the advantages of lazy evaluation is that you can define infinite data structures, like this list from 0 to infinity:

10. There is Order in Do

Haskell has a built-in domain specific language for imperative

programming (this is one of those useful simplifications at which

purists turn up their noses). Blocks written in this language start

with do and contain lines that look like statements

and assignments:

You can even see here the return "statement" (really, a library function). The "statements" inside the do

blocks are executed in order -- when and if they are executed. This

kind of code is called monadic because there is always a

monad behind it. Monads are very interesting beasts but,

unfortunately, beyond the scope of the current article.

In monadic code there is usually something hidden from view;

often some state is passed implicitly, or some form of flow of

control is imposed. The details vary from monad to monad.

An important example of monadic code is input and output. You always do I/O inside a do statement -- using the IO

monad. This way you are guaranteed that I/O actions are executed in


A function that does I/O returns an IO object, often called an action. There's nothing you can do with an IO action,

except to ignore it (in that case no I/O will be done), or pass it

all the way to main, where you can return it to the system --

main usually has the signature:


This is by no means a complete presentation of the Haskell syntax,

but it should get you going for now.

I'd like to thank Michael Snoyman for valuable comments on the draft of this blog.


Here's the more complete version of the tree example I used in this article:

The two functions, f and g, are equivalent.