


Jul 24, 2020

Understanding DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

If structural engineers built bridges the way

software engineers wrote software, then the news would be

filled with stories about bridges collapsing. Of course,

this is not the case because the engineering process for building

bridges is well defined (and has been around far longer than

software engineering). Bridges and structural projects are built on

strictly defined specifications and with requirements that do not deviate.

So is this even a fair analogy?

Imagine a structural engineer that had to make massive changes to a

bridge while traffic was crossing it.

In this scenario stories about bridges doing unexpected things, like falling down,

would be more commonplace. No, the analogy is not fair at all! Writing software

has become far more complicated because the old days of writing code that is built

on strictly defined specifications and requirements which never deviate are gone.

To clarify this point even further, consider the following. Amazon releases a new

software update every second, Google every 10 seconds, and Netflix every 90 seconds.

Imagine the bridge you are crossing was being updated at that frequency. I doubt

you would feel comfortable crossing bridges like that at all.

What if one of those updates to the supports was flawed?

These are the challenges software engineers have to cope with on a daily basis.

This is why the DevOps model exists


What is DevOps?

The consensus regarding the definition of DevOps is that it is a

process that unifies the roles of software

DEVelopment and IT OPerationS. These are not

separate, but interdependent entities that come together to put

software into production. Once you move past that definition, the

debate continues about what exactly is DevOps because it can

encompass many things.

At FP Complete we define DevOps as stated above, but with the

addition of all the tools, processes, and people that come together

to produce software that has the shortest time to market, least

amount of errors, and least expensive cost. This trifecta is an

engineer’s dream – faster, better, cheaper. To realize this dream,

you can’t ignore that there are always tradeoffs between faster,

better, and cheaper. Would you want to cross a bridge that was constructed

fast and cheap, knowing that quality was compromised?

On the flip side, if you were in the bridge building industry

how could you compete if you had the world’s safest bridge, but it

cost 50% more to operate and twice as long to produce? This is the

balancing act the DevOps framework tries to resolve in the

production of software.

Why is DevOps Important?

If your company values increased productivity, profitability,

and market share then DevOps is essential. Even if your goals are

non-financial, DevOps will enhance your ability to achieve those

goals. The State of DevOps report soundly backs up these claims. More

importantly, if your competition has already implemented DevOps and

you haven’t, you are already behind. That’s how Walmart feels now

that Amazon has built the world’s most efficient shopping


When your organization moves towards developing a DevOps

culture, it’s signaling to everyone that participates in the

production and release of software they have an equal stake in the

success of the company. It’s an all for one, one for all mentality

that will break down the communication barriers between teams and

make everyone accountable. Once DevOps roles and responsibilities

are implemented positive changes will occur, and everyone wins.

The biggest winner is the end-user of the software you

produce.  They get software that doesn’t crash because it was

properly tested in QA. They don’t have to wait for the features

they need because your continuous integration/continuous deployment

(CI/CD) process ensures they get what they want as soon as

possible. Most importantly, now that you have selected the right

tools and have automated much of the software build and release

process you can produce and

operate your software for less. Those savings can be passed

along to your customer and give you an edge on your competition. In

short, when your customer wins, you win.

DevOps Team Structure

To start down your path to DevOps success you need to build a

proper DevOps organization which includes all the proper team

members. However, the size of your organization plays a big role on

how granular you can be with your team. But size doesn’t really

matter if you properly define the roles and responsibilities across

the organization. The important thing is to make a commitment to

the process and get started

The core responsibility that needs to exist is the person who

owns the entire DevOps process. This person would usually be

someone in a senior position. They are the keeper of the process

and procedures and guarantor of the delivery of

DevOps value. I like to think of this

person as the DevOps evangelist. Aside from the leader, you would

need to establish, at a minimum, the following roles: Code Release

Manager, Automation Expert, Quality Assurance, Software

Developer/Tester, and Security Engineer. The DevOps duties for each

of these resources are described below.

In building your DevOps team, you may have to incorporate some

of these responsibilities under a single person due to resource

constraints or hire an outside consulting firm like FP Complete

which can augment your team with the

proper skill sets.

DevOps Job Descriptions

As any HR manager will tell you, drafting the perfect job

description to get that ideal candidate is more of an art than a

science. The internet is polluted with job descriptions for DevOps

personnel, and a quick Google search will back up that claim. FP

Complete is continuously searching for DevOps Engineers in our own job listings. The most important thing to

consider is the culture of your organization and your business

objectives. Make sure the job description emphasizes these two

points and how important they are in your final candidate

selection. Aside from the obvious technical skills your employee

needs to possess you are looking for a team player who has

excellent communication skills that enjoys taking on new

responsibilities and is goal oriented. One caution, don’t select

someone who is a technical fit but may not be a cultural fit. That

one bad apple will ruin everything you are trying to achieve

with your DevOps organization. At a minimum you want to fill the

following roles.

  • DevOps Evangelist - the DevOps leader who is

    responsible for the success of all the DevOps processes and


  • Code Release Manager – essentially a project

    manager that understands the agile methodology. They are

    responsible for overall progress by measuring metrics on all


  • Automation Expert – responsible for finding

    the proper tools and implementing the processes that can automate

    any manual tasks.

  • Quality Assurance or Experience Assurance

    not to be confused with someone who just finds and reports bugs.

    Responsible for the user experience and ensures that final product

    has all the features in the original specifications.

  • Software Developer/Tester – the builder and

    tester of code that ensures each line of code meets the original

    business requirements.

  • Security Engineer -  with all the

    nefarious operators out there you need someone to keep the

    corporation safe and in compliance. This person needs to work

    closely with everyone to ensure the integrity of corporate


How to Implement DevOps

Your decision to implement DevOps is sound, but now you must

make sure you can execute. There are many things to consider when

heading down this path and these six tips will ensure your


Don’t boil the ocean

Most people would like to have a fully functional DevOps

environment tomorrow, but taking on everything at once will doom

your project from the start.  Boiling the ocean is an

impossible task so why try? Start with something you can boil, like

a small pot of water. In other words, find a small DevOps project

and make that successful. It could be as simple as implementing

automated testing, distributed version control, or some other

automation task. DevOps is all about automation so find a task to

automate and get started.

By demonstrating a small win, you minimize your risk of failure

and prove to yourself, your team, and management that DevOps works.

Also, this makes it much easier to measure the benefits of this

win. For example, you may be able to state that you were able to

speed up testing of software by 43%. Don’t stop there. Translate

those savings into money. If you were doing manual testing and this

automation reduced that manual effort by 43% then do the math and

show off the results. These concrete results will get everyone

excited and hungry to do more. By combining a series of small wins,

you will soon have a big win to brag about.

Don’t be afraid to fail

It’s not likely you are going to do everything right the first

time you try, so get out of that mindset from the beginning. Things

can, and probably will go wrong so learn from the experience then

adapt and change. With all the DevOps tools and advice out there,

it’s not hard to get overwhelmed and choose a tool or process that

is not optimal for your needs.

More importantly, the

openness to failure makes this less stressful for the team.

Creating a culture of experimentation and learning allows them to

feel invested in the process. Encourage the collaboration between

the teams in the decision-making process to start breaking down any

pre-existing barriers.

Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

Improvise Adapt Overcome.jpg

The control

mechanisms that are currently in place to manage your people and

projects may not be suited for the DevOps world. You have to be willing to look

at items that prevent agility, scalability, and responsiveness and

change them. DevOps will provide agility, scalability, and

responsiveness, so anything that hinders that process needs to be

aligned with the new model.

All for one, one for all

The are many people involved in the delivery of production

software, and DevOps needs to include them all. The chain will only

be as strong as the weakest link, so communication across the

entire DevOps chain is critical to success. This has to go all the

way up to executive management. Don’t just say the words and hope

for change. You need to create incentives for desired behavior and

build that into the process. Focus on the items that create the

most value for your customers - the people who use your software.

After all, it’s all about them. Instill this customer first

mentality in your team so that they can focus on work that creates

value for their customer. This will help remove the internal power

struggles that may exist because the customer is always first.

We all rise and fall with the tide

Everyone in the company is sailing on the same ship. If the tide

goes up so does the ship and everyone on it. But if the tide goes

down so does the ship, but no one on the ship is to blame. It’s

critical that when things go wrong, you don’t go into blame mode.

DevOps is a team sport and when things go wrong everyone steps in

to make it right. Singling out a person or team for a failed

deployment will set you up to fail in the future because it will

immobilize your team. No one wants to look bad, and if they know

they will be shamed for making a mistake, they will shut down, and

all your DevOps gains will be lost. Create a culture that

celebrates wins and forgives and forgets losses.

Ask for help

No one expects you to know everything or make things happen

overnight. The DevOps journey will take time, but if you are in a

rush, there are plenty of resources to help you move faster or make

fewer mistakes. If you have the budget for some outside help, then

do your homework and make sure you find a company that is in line

with your culture. Leveraging another company’s expertise to help

you build your DevOps environment and culture can work incredibly

well when you find the right partner.


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