Mar 9, 2015
As I'm sure many people remember, we released LTS Haskell
1.0 at the beginning of January, and announced that the next
major release would be just three months away, placing it at April
1 (no, that's not a joke). Now's a good time for a little status
update, and an opportunity to discuss plans for LTS 2.
We've been running LTS minor builds on a weekly basis (in fact,
as I type this, the 1.11 build is just finishing up). This process
seems to be working out very well. Overall, new versions simply
flow into the LTS builds, with occasional help to deal with funny
version bounds issues. At FP Complete, we've started using LTS
builds for both internal projects and client projects, and I've
noticed a drastic decrease in version upgrade pain as a result.
So I'm quite happy to get ready for LTS 2, the first time we're
doing a major version bump. There are two things I'd like to pull
community attention to on that note:
Please fix restrictive upper bounds, so that the newest versions of all
libraries make it into LTS 2. (And, as always, feel free to get
your packages into Stackage to make sure they're included in LTS 2.
We're already well past 900 packages, and growing regularly.)
It's time to think about what the time period on LTS 2 should
be. We're at the 2.5 month mark on LTS 1, and I'm not hearing any
complaints about maintenance burden or out-of-date package versions
in LTS. I think now's a good time to increase our support window. I
don't want to make this decision unilaterally, but would rather
hear some community input on it. (Since it's going to happen there
anyway, should we designate Reddit as the official forum to have
that discussion? Discussion on the Stackage mailing list is good as well.)
Looking forward to hearing thoughts on this!