Dec 11, 2020
Over a year ago, FP Complete began work on Kube360. Kube360 is a
distribution of Kubernetes supporting multiple cloud providers, as well
as on-prem deployments. It includes the most requested features we've
seen in Kubernetes clusters. It aims to address many pain points
companies typically face in Kubernetes deployments, especially around
security. And it tries to centralize the burden of keeping up with the
Kubernetes treadmill to one centralized code repo that we maintain.
That's all well and good. But what led FP Complete down this path? Who
is the target customer? What might you get out of this versus other
alternatives? Let's dive in.
Repeatable process
In the past decade, FP Complete has set up dozens of production clusters
for hosting container-based applications. We have done this for both
internal and customer needs. Our first clusters predate public releases
of Docker and relied on tooling like LXC. We have kept our
recommendations and preferred tooling up to date as the deployment world
has (very rapidly) iterated.
In the past three years, we have seen a consistent move across the
industry towards Kubernetes standardization. Kubernetes addresses many
of the needs of most companies around deployment. It does so in a
vendor-neutral way, and mostly in a developer-friendly way.
But setting up a Kubernetes cluster in a sensible, secure, and standard
fashion is far from trivial. Kubernetes is highly configurable, but out
of the box provides little functionality. Different cloud vendors offer
slightly different features.
As we were helping our clients onboard with Kubernetes, we noticed some recurring themes:
Clients were looking for significant guidance around best practices with Kubernetes
We ended up deploying clusters that were largely identical for different clients
Maintaining each of these clusters became a large task on its own
We decided to move ahead with creating a repeatable process for setting
up Kubernetes clusters. We dogfooded this on ourselves and have been
running all FP Complete services on Kube360 for about nine months now.
Our process supports both initial setup as well as upgrades to the
latest version of Kubernetes itself, as well as the underlying
With this in place, we have been able to get clients up and running far
more rapidly with fully functioning, batteries-included clusters. The
risk of misconfiguration or mismatch between components has come down
significantly. And maintenance costs can now be amortized across
multiple projects, instead of falling to each individual DevOps team.
What we included
Our initial collection of tools was based on what we were leveraging
internally and what we had seen most commonly with our clients. This is
what we consider a "basic batteries included" Kubernetes distribution.
The functionality included:
Metrics collection
Monitoring dashboards
Log aggregation and search/index
In-cluster Continuous Deployment
We based our choices of defaults here on best-in-class open-source
offerings. These were tools we were already familiar with, with great
support across the Kubernetes ecosystem. It also makes Kube360 a less
risky endeavor for our clients. We have strived to avoid the common
vendor lock-in present in many offerings. With Kube360, you're getting a
standard Kubernetes cluster with bells and whistles added. But you're
getting it faster, more well tested, and maintained and supported by an
external team.
The one curveball in this mix was the inclusion of Istio as a service
mesh layer. We had already been investigating Istio for its support of
in-transit encryption within the cluster, a feature we had implemented
previously. Our belief is that Istio will continue to gain major
adoption in the Kubernetes ecosystem, and we wanted to future proof
Kube360 to be prepared for this.
Cloud native
Kube360 is designed to run mostly identically across different cloud
vendors, as well as on-prem. However, where possible, we've leveraged
cloud native service offerings for tighter integration. This includes:
Leveraging cloud native Kubernetes control plane offerings, like Amazon's EKS or Azure's AKS
Defaulting to cloud-specific secrets management instead of using the default secrets engine or a third-party tool like Vault
For durability and cost-effectiveness, we use cloud specific blob
storage offerings, together with wrappers to abstract over the
underlying APIs
Fully configurable
We've tried to keep the base of Kube360 mostly unopinionated. But in our
consulting experience, each organization tends to have at least few
modifications needed to a "standard" Kubernetes setup. The most common
we experience is integration with SaaS monitoring and logging solutions.
We've designed configurability from the ground up with Kube360. Outside
of a few core services, each add-on can be enabled or disabled. We can
easily retarget metrics to be sent to a third party instead of
intracluster collection. Even more fundamental tooling, such as the
ingress controller, can be swapped out for alternatives.
The biggest addition we've made to standard tooling comes to
authentication. In our experience, the Achilles Heel of many cloud
environments, and particularly Kubernetes environments, is mismanagement
of authentication. We've seen many setups where credentials leverage:
Long term lifetimes
No Multi-Factor Authentication
Shared credentials across multiple users and services
Overly broad privilege grants
The reason for this is, in our opinion, quite simple. Doing the right
thing is difficult out of the box. We believe this is a major weakness
that needs to be addressed. So, with Kube360, we've dedicated
significant effort to providing a best-in-class authentication and
authorization experience for everyone in your organization.
In short, our goal with Kube360 is to:
Leverage existing user directories and credentials. You shouldn't need yet another password.
Make it easy to grant everyone in your organization access to the
cluster. We believe in democratizing access. Executives should be
able to easily gain read-only access to informational dashboards, so
they feel confident in their services.
Ensure credentials are all per-user, time based, and never
copy-pasted through screens. We heavily leverage open standards,
like OpenID Connect.
Leverage a single set of credentials is carried through not just
Kubernetes, but all add-ons provided with Kube360, including
dashboards, log indexing, and Continuous Deployment.
Provide easy command line access to the Kubernetes cluster (and, in
the case of Amazon, all AWS services) leveraging secure and easy
credential acquisition.
We strongly believe by making the right thing easy, we will foster an
environment where people will more readily do the right thing. We also
believe that making the cluster an open book for the entire
organization, including developers, operators, and executives, we can
build trust within an organization.
Since initial development and release, we've already seen some requests for features that we had not anticipated so early on.
The first was support for deploying Windows Containers. We have
previously deployed hybrid Linux/Windows clusters but had always kept
the Windows workloads on traditional hosting. That was for a simple
reason: our clients historically had not yet embraced Windows
Containers. At this point, Kube360 fully supports hybrid Windows/Linux
clusters. And we have deployed such production workloads for our
On-prem was next. We've seen far more rapid adoption of "bleeding edge"
technology among cloud users. However, at this point, Kubernetes is not
bleeding edge. We're seeing the interest in on-prem increase
drastically. We're happy to say that on-prem is now a first-class
citizen in the Kube360 world, together with AWS and Azure.
The final surprise was multicluster management. Historically, we have
supported clients operating on different cloud providers. But typically,
deployments within a single operating group focused on a single cluster
within a single provider. We're beginning to see a stronger move towards
multicluster management across an organization. This fits in nicely with
our vision of democratizing access to clusters. We have begun offering
high level tooling for viewing status across multiple Kube360 clusters,
regardless of where they are hosted.
The future
We are continuing to build up the feature set around Kube360. While our
roadmap will be influenced by client requests, some of our short-term
goals include:
Support for additional cloud providers, in particular Google Cloud.
GUI management tools for permissions management. Our authentication
and authorization story is solid but managing RBAC permissions
within Kubernetes is still non-trivial. We want to make this process
as easy as possible.
To ease Kubernetes migrations, we intend to include basic scaffolding tools to address common application deployment cases.
And finally, we hope to expand our multicluster management tooling to provide better insights and resolution tools.
Learn more
If you're looking to make a move to Kubernetes or are interested in
seeing if you can reduce your Kubernetes maintenance costs with a move
to a managed product offering, please contact us for more information.
We'd love to tell you more about what Kube360 has to offer, demo the
product on a live cluster, and discuss possible deployment options.