Oct 1, 2012
This is the first in the series of tutorials introducing a new
approach to web development using Haskell and Yesod. Haskell is a
functional language and Yesod is a web development framework
written in Haskell by Michael Snoyman who also wrote a book about
it. Michael is a member of the FP Complete team and he provided a
lot of valuable feedback for this tutorial.
No previous knowledge of Haskell is required from the reader,
although you might want to have a peek at Haskell syntax in
Ten Things You Should Know About Haskell Syntax or at the "A
Bit of Haskell" section at the end of this tutorial. I will also
try to explain some of the concepts of modern web development as we
Yesod and Web Development
We build web sites using a combination of at least four languages.
We use HTML for markup, CSS for formatting, JavaScript for the
logic that runs on a client's browser; and yet another language for
server-side logic (Java, C#, php, and so on).
While it makes sense to have specialized languages for
specialized tasks, it's also important that those languages
inter-operate. Unfortunately, this is not the case in traditional
web development. Programmers are forced to keep track of horizontal
dependencies either by using strict discipline or using a system of
ad-hoc preprocessors.
The simplest test for interoperability is to be able to define a
variable in one language and access it from another. For instance,
how would you define an ID for a particular element of the web
page? You could define it, say, in Java, as an integer, and
initialize it to a unique number. Now you'd like to use this number
(as a string) in your HTML to identify a marked-up element. Then,
in CSS, to define the style of this element and, occasionally, in
your JavaScript code to dynamically change its properties in
response to user actions.
Because Yesod is written in Haskell, which is a great language
for embedding domain specific languages, such horizontal
integration is easy. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are simply
embedded in Haskell code. The code written in these languages is quasi-quoted and then pre-parsed by Haskell. Because of that last step, it's possible to interpolate
Haskell code inside those quasi-quotes. So it's perfectly natural
to define an integral identifier in Haskell and embed it in HTML,
CSS, or JavaScript. If, for instance, hdr
is a Haskell
variable, it can be interpolated in (quasi-quoted) HTML using an
escape sequence starting with #{
and ending with }
This way any change in the definition or usage of an ID will be
checked at compile time.
This is just a small example of the power of Haskell and Yesod.
Once you learn how to use those powerful techniques, you'll never
want to go back to traditional ways of programming.
Hello Piggies!
Let's start with the simplest nontrivial Yesod program that serves
just one web page with the text: "Welcome to the Pigsty!". We'll be
building up this web site to prove that even Piggies can write
clean, maintainable code.
Our page can be displayed locally by any browser at the address http://localhost:3000
. Have a look at this code even
if you won't understand anything yet. It's highly stylized Haskell
with some embedded domain-specific languages thrown into the
This program starts with some book-keeping. Haskell is an evolving
language. The last ratified standard dates back to 2010, but it
wasn't a big change from the 1998 standard, and anything added
after that is considered an extension. Yesod uses a lot of Haskell
extensions, so the first line lists those.
Strictly speaking anything enclosed between {-
and -}
is a comment, but this particular comment is
understood by the Haskell compiler as a language pragma. This is
all you need to know about it for now.
Next we have a statement to import the Yesod library.
This is a little more than a C++ #include
, because
Haskell has a full-blown module system.
Next, every Yesod website must define its foundation data
structure. Here I'm defining a type called
The Haskell syntax here is: The keyword data
introduces a new type that I call Piggies
. The right
hand side of a data definition is usually a series of data
constructors -- here just one; and it's called by the same name as
the type itself (this is customary for types that have only one
constructor). This constructor happens to be trivial -- it takes no
arguments and has no data associated with it. This will not always
be true in more complex Yesod examples. If you're a C++ programmer,
you may think of this data type as an enumeration called Piggies
with only one element also called Piggies.
This foundation data type represents our particular web site. It
doesn't matter that the type is trivial (in this case). What
matters is that it's an instance of a very rich type class. The code below tells the compiler that our Piggies
type is an instance of the Yesod
class defined in the Yesod
library. Yesod means foundation in Hebrew, so Piggies
form a foundation of our web site.
It's not a far reach for a Java or C++ programmer to think of a
type class as an interface with a bunch of virtual functions. These
functions often have their default implementations (so they are not
strictly interfaces). Yesod
is just such a class.
Later we'll see how to customize some of the behaviors of the web
site by overriding Yesod
functions. The instance
declaration is the place for defining such
A lot of boilerplate code can be abstracted into Template Haskell functions. TemplateHaskell
was listed as one
of the language extensions at the top of the file. One way of
looking at Template Haskell is as a generator of textual code --
sort of like C macros, except not that messy. (Acutally, Template
Haskell generates type-checked Abstract Syntax Trees, but that's a
completely different story.) mkYesod
is an exaple of such a TH function.
This template function takes two arguments. The first argument is
the string version of the name of the foundation type, "Piggies".
The string is used to generate some glue code.
The second argument to mkYesod
is some quasi-quoted code:
You'll see a lot of quasi-quoting in Yesod as a way to introduce
embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs). Here the language (or
its parser function) is called parseRoutes
. The code between [parseRoutes|
and |]
is written
in this mini-language.
I'll explain the syntax of parseRoute
later. For
now let's concentrate on its purpose. When the user is typing a URL
into their browser or is clicking on a link, the first part of the
URL is used to find the web server, the rest is the route
inside the web site. For instance, in the URL
the part https://www.fpcomplete.com
is translated by the browser
and the Internet into the address of the FP Complete server. The
part /blog
is interpreted by the FP Complete server as a route.
The parseRoutes
code contains a list of routes, their corresponding resources, and methods for accessing them. In this case, I have just one route, /
that identifies the root of this web site -- the home page if you
is the name (actually, a data constructor) for
this route. We'll be using this name internally. This is an
important point: We don't want to use literal URLs for internal
links. It would be a maintenance nightmare (as it is in other
approaches to web programming). Instead, whenever I want to embed a
link to the home page, I'll use HomeR
. This approach
has numerous advantages, one of them being that there will be no
broken internal links in my code. If I break a link, the code will
not compile! Also, I'm free to rename the route but keep the
resource name the same -- the code will work just fine.
The final part of our route entry, GET
, specifies
the request method by which the web page is accessed. There are
several request methods used in HTTP, GET
and POST
being the most common ones (by the way, you may define separate GET
and POST
methods for
the same route, which is useful, for instance, when working with
The important role of mkYesod
template function is
that it dispatches requests to handlers for each route. The
handlers must be implemented by the programmer. They have very
specific names, a concatenation of the lowercase request method
followed by the resource name. In our case it's get
, the lowercase version of GET
, and HomeR
, resulting in getHomeR
. This is our implementation of the home page handler:
The implementation calls the function defaultLayout
which lays out the page, whose contents is given by its
quasi-quoted argument:
First of all, the function defaultLayout
is provided as part of the Yesod
type class (that's one of those
"virtual" functions that have the default implementation). As such,
it can be overridden by the programmer as part of the
instance Yesod ...
statement. We'll use this
capability later; for now let's just stick to defaults.
The argument to defaultLayout
is a Widget
, a very useful composable abstraction that may
combine HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. I'll talk more about
widgets later. Here I'm creating a widget in-line using an HTML
EDSL called whamlet
(it's really a version of hamlet
, whose consonants are the anagram of html; the
'w' stands for widget). Like the other EDSL,
, whamlet
is implemented using
quasi-quotations. Here I'm quoting a trivial piece of HTML: a
string "Welcome to the Pigsty!". This will be the body of my web
Finally, our program has to start a web server that will be
processing requests from web browsers. There are multiple backends
supported by Yesod, including FastCGI and SCGI, which allow it to
work with the popular servers like Apache. But there is also a
built-in backend and server written in Haskell called
warp. As the name suggests, it's a very fast server. Here
I'll be using the debug version of warp, so you can see what kind
of requests are coming its way.
The first argument to warpDebug
is the port it will be
listening on, here it's port 3000; the second argument is a value
of the type which is our foundation data type. This value is
constructed by calling the data constructor Piggies
with no arguments.
And that's it. You can now open your browser and type in http://localhost:3000
and you'll see the web page I have just constructed.
This might seem like a lot of work just to display "Welcome to
the Pigsty!" but consider that I have constructed a whole active
web site and touched a lot of customization points for future
Running the Program
Let's see what happens when our program runs. A warp server is
started in the background. It calls the system and waits for http
requests coming through port 3000. You can see this in the debug
output of the program:
When you open a web browser and type in the URL
, a GET request is sent
to the local system. Again, you can see this request in the debug
The requested route is the single slash after GET (if you don't
include the trailing slash in the URL, the browser will add it for
you). This route in combination with GET resolves to the
resource and is dispatched to the handler getHomeR
. All this is done in the code generated by mkYesod
The handler getHomeR
produces the HTML page that is
sent back to the browser. You can see the contents of this page by
viewing page source in your browser:
Even in this simple program you may see important elements of the
philosophy of Haskell and Yesod. Yesod is not a one-shot program,
it's a framework. A well designed framework hides the details of
its plumbing and exposes just the right customization points while
keeping them orthogonal.
When you are using a modern elevator, you don't have to worry
about regulating the current running through the motors using some
kind of variable resistor -- you just press a button with the floor
number. You also know that a car can be operated with a steering
wheel and two pedals (the automatic models). These two pedals are
not orthogonal though, since you can slow your car either by
releasing the accelerator or by stepping on the brake. Flying a
(non-computerized) helicopter is hard because when you increase the
speed of the main rotor to go up, you have to adjust the speed of
the tail rotor to stop the helicopter from spinning. A seasoned
pilot doesn't have to think about it since his or her brain has
been rewired through training.
By the same token even a lousy framework is usable because the
brains of a programmer can be rewired. But if it takes years of
training to correctly operate a few levers and wheels, how much
time is needed to master cross-dependencies between web code
written in four languages? Having a well-designed orthogonal set of
controls makes a huge difference.
Let's have another look at our program, this time with the eye on customization points.
Foundation type: You can add arbitrary data that pertains to
the web site as a whole (what is achieved with global variables in
other frameworks).
Yesod instance: You can customize the look and feel of your
whole web site by overriding default implementations of
Routing tables (the
function): You can design and modify the site map of your web site.Handlers for individual web pages/routes/request types.
: Starting and shutting down the web site.
I will go through all these and many more customization points in
more detail in later installments of this tutorial.
A Bit of Haskell
There is very little redundancy in Haskell so almost everything, including whitespace, has meaning.
The good thing is that, once you get used to it, you’ll be able
to see more program logic at a glance. In a wordy language you not
only waste precious keystrokes but you also dilute the structure
and meaning of your program. Code that fills one screenful in
Haskell, would be spread over several screenfuls in Java. For a
Haskell programmer, studying a Java or a C++ program is like
looking at it through a microscope: you see lots of detail but miss
the big picture.
One of those things that seem indispensable in other languages
are special characters for separating statements (e.g., semicolons)
and delimiting blocks (e.g., braces). Mind you, every programmer
worth his or her salt uses formatting to make their code readable,
but the compiler throws the formatting away. Haskell does (almost)
the opposite. It recognizes blocks by indentation (but please use
spaces, not tabs), and treats newlines as separators.
Function Call Syntax
This is probably the first and the hardest obstacle in reading
Haskell code fluently: There is no special syntax for function
application. Any set of identifiers separated by
spaces is a function call. For instance:
is a call to function a
with arguments b
, c
, d
, and e
. If you use
parentheses it's only to delimit individual arguments (if they are
expressions); and commas are used to separate tuple elements. So if
you see something like this:
you interpret it as a call to (application of) a function
to just one argument -- a tuple of three
elements. It's very important to train your eyes to look for
spaces. They separate functions from their arguments and arguments
from each other.
When an argument to a function is a result of another function
application, you have to use parentheses for that. For
means the function a
acting on two arguments, b
and (c d)
, which itself is an application of function c
to d
. There is
a way to omit the parentheses in the above by using the operator
(dollar sign):
A $
is interpreted as: What follows is the last
argument to the function you're calling.
In this tutorial we've seen examples of function calls. Here's one:
The argument to the function defaultLayout
is split
over several lines, but it could be written in one line as
Here's another example:
The third one is a little tricky, since the function mkYesod
is a Template Haskell function, but the syntax is the same (I condensed it to one line):
Function Definition Syntax
A function definition:
starts with the name of the function,
followed by its formal parameters separated by white spaces,
an equal sign,
and an expression that is the body of the function.
You should be able to parse this line of code:
It's a definition of the function a
that takes two formal parameters, b
and c
. The body of this function is a call to d
with two arguments, e
and f
. Of course, the use of short
meaningless names is not encouraged in Haskell but I do it here to
help you prime your internal parser.
In this tutorial there are two function definitions, getHomeR
and main
In both definitions the expression on the right hand side of the equal sign is another function call.
The function main
is the entry point of the program (just like in C++).
You would probably like to play with Yesod. You can find
instructions on how to install Haskell Platform and Yesod on
Windows, Linux, or the Mac in this Quickstart Guide. A book on Yesod by
Michael Snoyman is available both online and on paper. Or, if it's
too much effort, you may wait for an interactive tutorial coming
soon to the FP Complete site. To try the program from this
tutorial, create a file main.hs
and paste the source
into it. You can then load the file into the interpreter GHCi, run
it from command line using runhaskell main
, or compile it with GHC main.hs